Energy Automation & SCADA Solutions

It is critical to produce the energy with less cost, environmental friendly and using recyclable sources as well as delivering to customer safely by monitoring and controlling in every stage and using efficiently. To achieve this aim, we are in a technology race, making so many energy investments with high costs and trying to create qualified people who can use these systems effectively all around the world.
The cost of losses caused usage of old and inappropriate technology is quite high. Despite that, investments which are made on energy automation and SCADA systems recompense themselves quickly and provide several great advantages.
Producing energy by using fossil fuels with old technology in high costs generates wastes which damage our world seriously. Besides, the costs of losses, which occur in old technology production and transmission system, are paid by clients. The wasted money, which is spent on imported energy from the supplier parties because of inadequate energy production, must be considered very carefully.
Producing energy with the most efficient ways and using the recyclable sources, monitoring and controlling parameters of production, transmission and distribution systems with real time and minimizing losses can only be achieved by establishing Energy Monitoring Automation and Control Systems and operating them successfully.
Advantages of Energy Automation Systems

Transmission and distribution systems, which are continuously monitored and controlled, have so many advantages. Automation and Control Systems minimize the risk and provide effective and safe operating opportunities. With the help of automation systems which are programmed according to operating and working principles, field equipment’s can be correctly controlled without human mistakes and they provide much safer and risk free working opportunities.
With the help of optimized controlled algorithms, correct and accurate controls can be done in minimum time and with minimum energy consumption. Also with these secured and economical controls, equipment’s can be used longer and more efficient.
To manage and operate energy production, transmission and distribution systems quickly, easily and effectively with much less educated staff can be provided.
Thanks to automation system which monitors electrical values in real time, preprogrammed automatic actions like load shedding can be achieved. Load shedding system calculates actual consumption and sources and optimizes energy consumption and prevents expensive shutdowns.
Defected equipment in the system can be monitored continuously by automation system so the information about source, reason, place and accurate time of these defects can be determined definitely and corrected without losing time.
Monitoring energy parameters continuously provides capability of reviewing the actual and historical consumption. It provides required important data which is required to plan energy investments to achieve the goal of controlling energy consumption and using it in the most economical way. With the help of reporting and making detailed analysis of this data, the performance of the system can be observed and necessary precautions can be taken in time.
In modern technology, automation systems are highly open systems with standard SCADA software which are working on standard computer hardware. Standardized communication protocols provide several integration and interoperability opportunities. Automation systems can be extended by the integration of multi vendor hardware according to further requirements appeared in time.
Highly precious data of energy automation and SCADA systems can be easily transferred to international information platforms by data integration methods like ODCB, DDE, OLE and OPC. These systems provide wide integration opportunities like publishing data via web servers, transferring to high level management systems and generating detailed reports.